Finally, Solutions For Government That Just Work.

Legislaide simplifies common government functions so you can focus on what matters most - serving your community

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Who is Legislaide for?

City Manager

City Clerk

City Planners

Legal Teams


Who is Legislaide for?

City Manager
City Clerk
City Planners
Legal Teams

Who is Legislaide for?

City Manager
City Clerk
City Planners
Legal Teams

National Ordinance Database

National Ordinance Database

Find relevant legislation across U.S. cities

Find relevant legislation across U.S. cities

Stop manually searching Google, forums and limited ordinance databases for local laws. Access legislation from cities nationwide through smart search that understands what you're really looking for.

Stop manually searching Google, forums and limited ordinance databases for local laws. Access legislation from cities nationwide through smart search that understands what you're really looking for.

Ordinance Database
Ordinance Database
Ordinance Database
Unified Document Search
Unified Document Search
Unified Document Search

Unified Document Search

Unified Document Search

File search that actually works

File search that actually works

No more digging through scattered documents.

Access years of public records in one powerful search - from council agendas to staff reports. Find exactly what you need, even if you don't remember the file name or where it's stored.

No more digging through scattered documents.

Access years of public records in one powerful search - from council agendas to staff reports. Find exactly what you need, even if you don't remember the file name or where it's stored.

Smart Document Template

Draft documents with ease

Stop writing legal documents from scratch.

Answer a simple questionnaire and watch AI draft your staff reports, resolutions and ordinances instantly. Smart automation handles formatting, language and past document references.

Turn your plain English ideas into polished legal documents – no expertise needed.

Smart Document Template
Smart Document Template
Municipal Code Assistant
Municipal Code Assistant
Municipal Code Assistant

Knowledge Assistant

Knowledge Assistant

Ask a question, get an accurate plain english answer in seconds

Ask a question, get an accurate plain english answer in seconds

Don't spend hours researching and answering inquires.

Get plain English answers to your questions in seconds. Our AI reads your city's codes, approved documents, plans, and other relevant materials used by teams to provide accurate information.

Preserve institutional knowledge and answer questions with confidence.

Don't spend hours researching and answering inquires.

Get plain English answers to your questions in seconds. Our AI reads your city's codes, approved documents, plans, and other relevant materials used by teams to provide accurate information.

Preserve institutional knowledge and answer questions with confidence.

What our user say

Legislaide is a common sense solution to a frustrating problem. I love how easy it is!

Erik Sickinger

Town of Irmo

Legislaide is a game-changer for accessing relevant information within an organization and researching ordinances across the US.

Lisa Goldfien

City of San Rafael

The Legislaide team collaborated closely with us to tailor their solution, delivering exceptional results with a meaningful impact. I highly recommend working with them!

Aaron Aknin

Good City Company

I've been working with the Legislaide team for months to get novel legislation written, and they've been incredibly helpful. Their inclination to work out novel solutions, integrate both entire code books and customer feedback into their product, and find the time to talk through changes in our required outputs has been a massive boon for my organization

David Pardo

YIMBY Denver

What our user say

Legislaide is a common sense solution to a frustrating problem. I love how easy it is!

Erik Sickinger

Town of Irmo

Legislaide is a game-changer for accessing relevant information within an organization and researching ordinances across the US.

Lisa Goldfien

City of San Rafael

The Legislaide team collaborated closely with us to tailor their solution, delivering exceptional results with a meaningful impact. I highly recommend working with them!

Aaron Aknin

Good City Company

What our user say

Legislaide is a common sense solution to a frustrating problem. I love how easy it is!

Erik Sickinger

Town of Irmo

Legislaide is a game-changer for accessing relevant information within an organization and researching ordinances across the US.

Lisa Goldfien

City of San Rafael

The Legislaide team collaborated closely with us to tailor their solution, delivering exceptional results with a meaningful impact. I highly recommend working with them!

Aaron Aknin

Good City Company

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’ve got answers. For everything else email us on

Is my data secure?

We only use publicly available documents for training. Your input data remains fully owned by you, is never shared, and isn't used to train our systems.

Does Legislaide integrate with existing softwares?

Yes. Legislaide integrates with your current document management systems and databases through a browser-based platform. No complex IT setup required – we adapt to your existing workflows.

Why was Legislaide created?

Legislaide was initially created to draft legislation for resource-constrained local governments that lack the capacity to research and write high quality legislation. Since then, we have developed high-impact features based on direct requests from local governments and related teams.

What is the implementation process?

Implementation is browser-based with no software installation needed. Our 2-6 week onboarding process ensures smooth integration with your existing systems. The interface requires minimal training, and our support team guides you throughout the process.

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’ve got answers. For everything else email us on

Is my data secure?

We only use publicly available documents for training. Your input data remains fully owned by you, is never shared, and isn't used to train our systems.

Does Legislaide integrate with existing softwares?

Yes. Legislaide integrates with your current document management systems and databases through a browser-based platform. No complex IT setup required – we adapt to your existing workflows.

Why was Legislaide created?

Legislaide was initially created to draft legislation for resource-constrained local governments that lack the capacity to research and write high quality legislation. Since then, we have developed high-impact features based on direct requests from local governments and related teams.

What is the implementation process?

Implementation is browser-based with no software installation needed. Our 2-6 week onboarding process ensures smooth integration with your existing systems. The interface requires minimal training, and our support team guides you throughout the process.

Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’ve got answers. For everything else email us on

Is my data secure?

We only use publicly available documents for training. Your input data remains fully owned by you, is never shared, and isn't used to train our systems.

Does Legislaide integrate with existing softwares?

Yes. Legislaide integrates with your current document management systems and databases through a browser-based platform. No complex IT setup required – we adapt to your existing workflows.

Why was Legislaide created?

Legislaide was initially created to draft legislation for resource-constrained local governments that lack the capacity to research and write high quality legislation. Since then, we have developed high-impact features based on direct requests from local governments and related teams.

What is the implementation process?

Implementation is browser-based with no software installation needed. Our 2-6 week onboarding process ensures smooth integration with your existing systems. The interface requires minimal training, and our support team guides you throughout the process.

Ready to get started?

Take the first step to make your agency more efficient.

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Ready to get started?

Take the first step to make your agency more efficient.

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Ready to get started?

Take the first step to make your agency more efficient.

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